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FIT_BY_HIT is an online Fitness based shopping & Service platform that makes your lifestyle healthy and easy.
We aim to provide Seamless Shopping services to our customers which makes their shopping experience easy, simple & reliable While Promoting "Vocal for local" so that local dealers can grow their business on a virtual platform.
+91-898 215 8417 | 877 038 5220
REGISTER NOWFIT_BY_HIT reserves the right to cancel professional membership in case of violations of professional conduct. Any allegation of violation of the Professional Standards of Personal Training will be reviewed by an Authority
The trainer will be notified of the investigation and will have the opportunity to provide evidence that contradicts the complaint. Notification of the decisionmade by the authority will be provided within seven days of the start of the investigation.
Serve clients with integrity, competence, objectivity, and impartiality, always putting the clients' needs, interests, and requestsahead of their own and striving for client satisfaction.
Personal trainers provide their clients with a service, which means that the trainer should abide by the rules of good customer service.
Return calls professionally, Be on time for every training session, Pay attention to the client during training sessions.
Put in the extra effort to ensure that the client stays on the path to health and wellness. If a client misses a session, a trainer who cares will call to make sure the client is ok and encourage the client toward his or her fitness goals. A good trainer will give clients tips on how to shop for healthy food and prepare healthy meals to ensure that they are eating a sensible diet for their training needs. A trainer should provide clients with the resources necessary to learn this information on their own and put it into action.
Adhere to safe and recognized standards of practice and advocate healthy lifestyles for their clients. A personal trainer should never knowingly endanger their clients or put their clients at risk. This means that the trainer should:
Practice within their knowledge and skill domain and refer clients to other fitness and health professionals as necessary.
Never attempt to diagnose an injury or any other medical or health-related condition. Never give the client any kind of medical advice.
Never prescribe or dispense any kind of medication whatsoever (including over-the-counter medications) to anyone.
Never attempt to treat any health condition or injury (except as standard first aid or CPR/AED First Aid procedure may require).
In the event of an emergency, a trainer should call 108/911, perform any necessary standard first aid and CPR/AED First Aid procedures, and have the client transported to advanced medical care.
Never recommend an exercise for anyone with a known medical problem without first obtaining clearance to do so and/or instructions from the attending qualified medical professional.
Data collection is a continual process for a FIT_BY_HIT personal trainer, since that data provides the trainer with feedback regarding the client's fitness plan and lets him/her know when changes or modifications should be made to the exercise program or nutritional recommendations. A trainer should document every step of the client's progress, from their initial consultation until they are no longer a client. It is good practice to keep the files of former clients intact with all records in case the information is needed to train the client in the future.
Respect client confidentiality and never release client information A personal trainer should charge the client what their services are actually worth. Personal training fees are usually based on the trainer's experience, education level, knowledge, reputation, and the demonstrated results that he/she has achieved with former clients. Clients should be provided with a contract before their first training session that lays out the fees, payment schedule, session cancellation policy, etc. up front.
Always maintain a professional demeanor, not becoming overly friendly with clients.
Personal trainers should not become intimately involved with their clients. That is overstepping the boundaries of professionalism, and is unacceptable.