Habitual Eating

Habitual Eating

Welcome everyone once again we’re back with another topic which plays a very important role in keeping our eating habits align with healthy body

Ok so let’s start with a normal survey in a survey we have asked a simple questions just to understand about the habits of an individuals so we got different different answers and most common answer I got is I love Eating/I’m foodie and more and more answers with respect to their love towards food that brings me to this topic ‘habitual eating’.

habitual eating is not a one popular topic in fitness industry but I think it has to be there we all are habitual eaters at some point of time in their life like we don’t feel hunger but we feel craving of something to eat like sweets or any junk food or anything and for some it becomes like a lifetime habit so they eat not because they’re hungry but they’re habitual eaters.

Habitual eaters may face lots of health related issues like obesity, diabetes, Cancer and many more but you can control that with all by yourself just by pushing up the limits and self-control, now is it so damn easy ???????????

Hell Not Bro

The whole life you eat alot, you live like you don’t need oxygen to live you need junk food to live , you live for eating only kind of life and how can you suddenly change this , it’s all about the mindset , you can start slowly

Always Remember bro slow is better , start with small small changes in your eating habits , start eating little healthy this time , start focusing more on work rather than what’s there in dinner tonight, start slow and get better each and every day.




Shashank Gupta

ISSA CFT/Nutritionist


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